Business Stages
Managing the stages of your growing business takes careful planning. Risk Management, Succession Planning, Personal Protection Planning, and Employee Benefits all play a role in managing your business. Through our goal setting and assessment process, we provide you guide and education through these issues.
Start-Up Stage
Create a cash reserve
Develop a transition plan in the event of an untimely death or disability of owner(s).
Protect owner’s income and provide for family’s long-term needs.
Start personal retirement planning and implement an employer sponsored retirement plan.
Provide employee benefits.
Growth Stage
Protect key employees
Protect cash flow
Create a strong management team
Determine value of business.
Reconfirm and update protection plan of owner(s)
Review personal retirement plan and family income needs.
Develop personal estate plan
Income tax planning.
Maximize company retirement plan.
Explore selective benefits for top performers.
Maturity Stage
Update and review business value
Review and update buy-sell agreements
Develop a long-term transition plan strategy
Review personal planning: estate tax planning, update retirement planning strategy, review estate plan
Review existing benefit plans
Implement retirement/incentive programs to retain key employees
Continue to take advantage of company sponsored retirement plans.
Transfer Stage
Transfer business protection to new owners
Execute transition strategy
Implement personal retirement strategy and income streams.
Review owner’s estate planning strategies including legacy and charitable planning.
Transition plan for employee benefits.